Your going to start getting popular at some point.
Your going to start getting popular at some point.
Thanks! xD
I think that at some point I should find some people to connect with, but for now, I think I know enough people. If you want me to be more popular, you could just tell other people about me, but I'm not going to force you. :p
Interesting. Melody is a little loose, but chord progression is original and nice-sounding.
Thanks! What do you mean by "melody is a little loose"?
Really good Dubstep!
Flagged it
well, now i need Serum. This is amazing!
Haha, yeah. Serum opened all the doors I could imagine. Now I just need to wisen up a bit more about dubstep and I'll be golden! :p
Weird, but cool
Lol thx.
Aw, sorry to hear that. I know how it feels, I love cats.
Worthy of ColBreakz and Xstrullor.
Amazing mixing, and original wobblebass. 11/10.
wow! I appreciate it!
great, and fun to listen too. The only thing I have to say is that you could add something to make it more Unique-Add a touch of your own style.
Thanks! I'm still working on my own style, but I think that will come with time more than anything else.
he/him or they/them idc
Age 21
Joined on 6/1/17