Obviously not much to say here... I like it.
Obviously not much to say here... I like it.
Lol, thanks.
Nice theme, beat, and tune overall. A little boring to me.
You know as of today you are "user of the day"
I'm your age, I upload music. I wonder if I have ever been user of the day lol
Good melody, and mix, but repetitive and is overall a bit too quiet xD
Nice one!
Yeah, it crashed before i could do the mixing right, and i was so frustrated i just put it up :P
This is good. The only thing I can say is a problem I have too- The sound design of the wubs feels too screechy and high-pitched to me. Turn down that FM from B lol.
Found you because on of my songs has the tag fl20.
This is OK. I wouldn't call it dubstep, exactly, more DnB, but whatever. The author comments are interesting.
This is weird, but original. Nice job!
Thank, friend! :D
This is really cool! Nice job!
I have to say that though it is in 140, it feels slow. This could be fixed with a fast arp.
The dubstep drop is really good, though I feel that the bass sounds should be a lot louder.
Do you use Fl Studio? Or Ableton?
I'm guessing you have serum.
Also, the hihats in the drop are WAY to loud IMO.
The key change in the bit after the first drop is a little bit too shocking, and the arp sometimes is too dissonant with the chords.
Now the good things:
The sound design. Obviously, you are either really good at sound design or you stole it from someone else. If this is the case, don't. If not, I tip my hat off to you. Your sounds are really good.
Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate it! :)
he/him or they/them idc
Age 21
Joined on 6/1/17